Wednesday, April 29, 2020

austin island revised ordinance on restaraunts

 on April, 29th,2020  the king Austin young decided to revise his ordinance on restaurants. his new revision is this. he will re-open the restaurants in greater Austin island but only for entering and leaving  the restaurants. but he will keep grub and brew completely closed because they didn't follow the first ordinance. all of the restaurant owners shall not let patrons  dine in and  feast until the government says otherwise.  this will re-instate  95 restaurant staff throughout greater Austin island.  and therefore the unemployment rate would be scary high.  but due to king young's proclamation stating that the remaining 500+ essential workers must wear a mask. and restaurants  were on king Austins essential business list

Sunday, April 26, 2020

the austin island election committee decided to waive the petition

breaking  news from the republic of austin island  the austin island election commitee decided to waive   the petition signing and  therefore all  candidates that have filed will  immediately be on the  first round ballot. the king threatened to  take the  austin island election commitee to the austin island  supreme court.  beacuse  the king  originally thought the petition  was constitutiuonal  but  soon after  he got the  required signatories the king decided to  change his mind and  there  for all  candidates will  go to the  first round election regardless of signatures on the petition

Thursday, April 23, 2020

king austin gives an up date about COVID-19

 according  to austin island governments and  mandates. the king has to  give a  special  announcemnt here on the news.   if you have heard about the recent  covid 19 pandemic lately. globally 2.7million people have been infected  and ~190,000 have died.  according to  the austin island  health minister there are no confirmed cases in austin island. what  you want to know  if  you dont want to be another statistic is  this  you can not  be no  less than 6-8 feet away  from  others, please  stay away from any one  who is sick. all  non essential  buisnesses , restaruants have  been closed with  the latter open for  take out  delivery.  essential workers must wear a mask per the kings new executive order.  all travel to countries   with a  high fatality rate has been suspended.

suspended travel to
- united states


Austin young clinches the first round ballot

CAPITAL CITY-   the  incumbent king  austin  young has clinched the  ballot for the  1st round kings  election.  with two of  the candidates  dropping out of   the  race.  he was able to get  the 100 signatures   that were recommended  to   clinch the first round ballot.  the  process of  being king is not that easy.  first   the candidate must file for the candidacy. then the second thing that  the candidate  must do is to get 100 signatures. the first round ballot will have the candidates who have the recommended 100 signatories. who ever  gets   first and  second place in the non partisian election  will face each other in a   runoff  election in which  the votes are based off of the total votes cast in the house of delegates election and  the  senate election.  the  current king has been   a popular figure  to the  republic of austin island for his pro LGBTQ and pro gender equality stances. which is  going to help him in terms  getting the petition  signed that quickly.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

brand new currency of austin island

 there  will be a  brand new currency in austin island  called the unit   with this there will be new  exchange rate   to the usd  and it will a fixed system.  and along  with  this  there will be a new  sub division  100 ecastos= 1 unit. the  new   exchange rate  is U1.88=$1.00USD. we will also have foreigners  use  usd  if they dont know  the   currency system
1 ecasto
5 ecastos
1 unit
2 units
5 units
1 unit
2 units
5 units
10 units
20 units
50 units
100 units
500 units
1,000 units

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Austin island ordinance on restaraunts

in ordinance with the kings statement on april 11th regarding  restarunt closures,. the king of austin island declared that all restarunts shall be closed as of april 13th at 8pm EST.  and they will be open  for take out only. this is  due to the fact that grub and brew in downtown capital city didnot  follow the kings ordinances of cutting any legal capacity in half. and plus it violated a second ordinance that the king put out  about closing any capital city restaraunts at 8 pm EST on april 2nd. if the king sees any restaraunt open in austin island at this  time.  a first violation is AI$10,000 fine if the problem is not immediatly taken care of. and a  second violation of the ordinance   would  result in a removal of liquor license or if  the  restaraunt doesnot serve liquor a  fine of AI$25,000.  all  restaraunts   will be open for   take out and  will  keep the dining hall closed  but the kitchens open  to help the most vulnerable  residents of austin island.

flag proposal of austin island coming in swiftly

after realizing the  flag of austin island is similar to the  north macedonia  the monarch calls for a new flag of the kingdom of austin island