Thursday, April 23, 2020

king austin gives an up date about COVID-19

 according  to austin island governments and  mandates. the king has to  give a  special  announcemnt here on the news.   if you have heard about the recent  covid 19 pandemic lately. globally 2.7million people have been infected  and ~190,000 have died.  according to  the austin island  health minister there are no confirmed cases in austin island. what  you want to know  if  you dont want to be another statistic is  this  you can not  be no  less than 6-8 feet away  from  others, please  stay away from any one  who is sick. all  non essential  buisnesses , restaruants have  been closed with  the latter open for  take out  delivery.  essential workers must wear a mask per the kings new executive order.  all travel to countries   with a  high fatality rate has been suspended.

suspended travel to
- united states


1 comment:

  1. the revised list includes
    all d'outre-mer's of france etc.


flag proposal of austin island coming in swiftly

after realizing the  flag of austin island is similar to the  north macedonia  the monarch calls for a new flag of the kingdom of austin island