Sunday, July 12, 2020

Monarch Says that 2021 budget will have 120 million units of shortfall and 1/3of that is coming from the embezzlement scandal

Austin Island politics have been  f ed up  the last two  weeks and   in the last two days  the monarch has to find a way to pay 120 million units for next years budget either by   taxable  donations or some sort odd way to make loose ends. some   government financial analyst say to cut finding from capital city programs or austin island public broadcasting which would mean a  fraction of  the  projected 2 billion unit budget is going to be cut according to next years budget in austin island  public broadcasting will recieve 12,500,000 units. the monarch has the hard decision to pull the  plug on big bird or  cut other thingsin the kingdoms   budget that are not so necessary or cut congressional pay. one third of  that  buget   shortfall goes back to bank  of austin island as repairations from the embezzled   40 million units. the other 80 million units  come from  municipal shortfalls.  since all of the smaller municipalities are thinking of using cranders trash service saving the government money to repay the bank.  this comes only   two and a  half weeks  prior to the  big runoff election the senate is   thiking of having a national vote and proportion the seats by national vote.  

1 comment:

  1. note i cant say the f bomb due to the fact the governmnet does allow free speech but not swear words in the media there fore beacuse the government will demonitize us


flag proposal of austin island coming in swiftly

after realizing the  flag of austin island is similar to the  north macedonia  the monarch calls for a new flag of the kingdom of austin island