Friday, June 12, 2020

Voting day is in five days and questions will be anwsered

 in austin island  voting day   for the non-partisan first round  is in  five days and there are some   questions  that   voters  have. so lets start answering the questions.

Do  i have to  register to vote

the  anwser is no in  austin island you  donot have to register to  vote what  you must be is 15 years old have your primary residence in austin island. you must have proof of your age  also  ie a drivers license, a work id social  security card or other means of identification.

how is  the   voting done 

the   voting in austin island for the monarchs election is done in   two rounds. with a non partisian  first round with x amount of candidates. if no candidates  get  50%+1 vote or a majority of the votes. all candidates are eliminated that place in third place or lower. then  the top  two candidates would be nominated by a political party to represent that party in a runoff. your ballot would be a blank piece of paper  that you discreetly   put in one of the boxes. then  the   next day the sitting monarch counts  the votes and  anounces  the   tabulation.

is it mandatory to vote in austin island

No it is not mandatory we  hold elections at diffrent times of the year.  it is up to the voter if they want to  vote or not.  

I am  blind and i am not sure  if i can vote

yes you can vote in austin island  if theres no braille   on the box make sure  to bring a family member who can see the boxes and read the names  to you. or you could ask a pollworker to help you read the   names on the ballot box.

if i am  going out of town on election day what do i do

what you should do is go to your local  post office, townhall,or any building with your half sheet of paper and   cast  your ballot. but beacuse travel is suspended from 200+ countries unless  leaving the country to be with can still cast your absentee ballot between  5:30 am and 9:00pm(6pm in  crander and  capital city) on June 17th or  any day before  you leave.


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flag proposal of austin island coming in swiftly

after realizing the  flag of austin island is similar to the  north macedonia  the monarch calls for a new flag of the kingdom of austin island